2nd Gen Restaurant Opportunity

3,660 SF Building on 1.13 Acres Available

18089 Interstate 20 | Canton, TX

Former Baker’s Ribs restaurant

Existing drive through lane and window

Large pylon signage allows for increased visibility

Located on Interstate 20 only 1 mile from Texas State Highway 19 (Texas Trade Days Blvd)

Nearby businesses include All Star Ford , Texas Frontline Trucks & Canton Powersports Connection


3 miles 5 miles 10 miles
2023 Population 5,196 10,405 24,848
2028 Projected Population 5,672 11,343 26,987
Daytime Population 5,443 6,765 8,973
Avg. HH Income $85,524 $85,488 $84,407

Property 100% Leased

Building Size:

3,660 SF


1.13 Acres

Traffic Counts:

I-20: 50,459 VPD west of site
(TXDOT 2021)


B-2 General Business District

For more information, please contact:

Jonathan Young

214-796-8898 (m) 972-961-8532 (o) jyoung@ridgepcre.com

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Marketing Brochure

Location Maps and Floor Plan: